Friday, October 31, 2008

On Friendship

"Our love was goodand our love was right.And I don't regret it,no not a single night.So goodbye, my love.Goodbye, my love.Goodbye." - Bradley HathawayYes, Steven and I broke up. Yes, I'm really sad about it. Yes, one of my best friends in the whole world came from this relationship. This is the best breakup I have ever been a part of. Richard pretty much hates(d) me and Josh and I only talk when necessary. When Steven said he wanted to stay friends, I loved the idea, but from past experiences, I didn't believe anything was going to happen.He is my best friend now.I don't regret dating him at all. I'm so glad we dated, actually. If we hadn't dated, I wouldn't have gotten so close to him and therefore, I would have missed out on one of my best friendships that I have currently. I still like him. He still likes me. But it wouldn't work and there's no point in continuing a relationship that's going to end soon. So we're taking another path. I gave this advice to another one of my friends. Being a girlfriend/boyfriend isn't a better role or a more important title than being a best friend. If someone breaks up with you because they just want to be friends or they don't want to ruin your friendship (and they actually mean this. They aren't just saying it to soften the blow) then it's not that they are going back a step in your relationship. Yuo can still both go forward, but it's just a different path. Being a girlfriend is not more important than being a best friend. They both carry the same amount of weight, it's just different reasons, different feelings. Think of it as a fork in the road. You guys meet on this road, you like each other, and you're walking together, getting to know each other, and something starts. You're really enjoying it. There's nothing TOO serious yet. Then you reach the fork. One road is friendship, one road is romance. If you go down the romantic road and you reach the destination, it wil lprobably end in marriage. (well, not end, per se. But one of the major landmarks is marriage). However, if it doesn't work, you've already made your way down this path. If you're to stay friends after the break up, you have to find your way back to the friendship path, and that means going through alot of the memories y ou left on the romance road. It's hard. It's possible, but it's hard, and not many people make it. However, if you chose the friendship path, you're still moving forward. You're still on the road together; it's just made up of different things, different landmarks, different memories. You're going forward at the same pace. It's the same distance as the romantic road, and you're still growing together. It's just a different path with a different destination.Steven and I chose the friendship path, and I'm really excited to see where it leads us. "Our love was goodand our love was right.And I don't regret it,no, not a single night."


leanna said...

yeah they make me sad too. i don't even talk to half of them anymore. they all hate me.