Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yes... Another Boy-Related Post

I'm so frustrated! Before I came back to school, I would have adamantly said, "I never want to date Josh again." and I believed it with every fiber in me. And it's not just because I had a boyfriend. Even after Steven and I broke up, I despised Josh and didn't want to be with him. But now that Josh and I are hanging out (or at least friends again) and I joke with him and watch him laugh and.... it's just like.... I don't understand. I don't understand why he doens't want to be with me. And I'm not saying that from a conceited, "I'm awesome. Why doesn't he like me" type mind-set. I'm saying it from the, "We fit so well together last year. We have way too much in common and we have so much fun together. Why does he not want to be with me?" type mind-set.
I can't help but feel like there's something wrong with me; something he doesn't like. Which, I mean, there might be... but I don' tknow. I just STILL don't see why we wont work. I look at us even now, after I've even been with someone else and despised the very air Josh breathed, and I can't help but wonder.... why wouldn't we work?
I still like him. The guy that broke my heart, treated me not so well after the break-up... I still like him. He's not attractive... but I"m attracted to him. (explain that one). I'm just really frustrated. I see no reason why we shouldn't be together, but apparently he sees every reason in the world. It really pisses me off.