Friday, November 21, 2008

Don't worry; you can delete this later

We are living in a world full of digitalized memories and emotions.
If you are dating someone and you have a bunch of pictures on your camera or computer, once you break up and you delete them in a fit of rage, you can NEVER get those pictures back again.
Is anyone else discouraged by this fact?
Even with all of these blogs, people write down their thoughts, their feelings, their life experiences, and in a few years, they will probably forget about that blog. They will move on. They will forget their password. The site will shut down. So many great literary books came from people simply journaling and forming their thoughts into a book. This is a generation of temporary memories.
We used to know that after someone dies, we wil have pictures and letters left to remember them by.
Who will remember this generation once we have deleted who we once were?


Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I knew some people who would do that with their photos and then years later they started dating them again and got married to them. BUT their memories were so sweet that they didnt need to have the photos. They were able to remember what happened and write it down and can tell their children and children's children one day.